Monday, June 23, 2014

Fantastic Weekend!

Big blue Cochin rooster

What a lovely weekend we had. As crazily busy as it was we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

Check out my feathers! 

Saturday we headed to the husband's parents and grandparents. We had to return a garden cart and pick up our mail etc. In addition they loaned us a small fishing net to make the capture of mr rooster for Sunday's swap meet a bit less difficult. 

Blue Frizzle Cochin pullet

From there we stopped at the grandparents as his grandfather was giving us an old wooden cart he'd made to use in his garden and yard. We had been in desperate need of one. While it is still functional, we've decided to replace its wooden deck and rails along with the bolts and hinges so it will last longer. Some of the boards are in very tough shape. Added into the load ended up being a lovely circular arbor for my mom. Jade's grandfather is trying to get rid of some of the things he won't use again. Friday we got a load of wood and fence wire. Then Saturday the boon of the arbor was delightful. We've been meaning to build a nice wooden one for mom but we've as yet just not had enough time, Now we just have to get it put together.

New nest boxes

Next following a call from my delightful uncle we headed to his place to give him a bit of company and have dinner. Aunt and both cousins were visiting other family in Illinois so he was on his own for the weekend. Since Jade and I both love to visit it was just wonderful. Burgers and the best baked taters I've had in a long time made for a delicious feast and chatting and relaxing together was a much needed break from our hectic schedules. 

Cochins and Red-Laced Wyandotte pair

Sunday we loaded up plants, chickens, and baby to head over to the swap meet. Sold a few plants, and my rooster. Ended up coming home with several plants that didn't sell and one hen...And bought the husband a big Cochin rooster as a fathers day gift. I took the money I'd made from selling my rooster and bought a delightful young pair of Red Laced Wyandottes. Jade bought himself a few more Cochin pullets of various colors, including a lovely Blue Frizzle Cochin. She is sweet and so beautiful. The addition of birds meant a quick trip to tractor supply and a friends to get more feed, a 3.5 gallon waterer, and a new nesting box. Now we need more coops :)

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