Thursday, February 02, 2012

Days Like This...

...Feel like they need a re-write.

Yesterday the man got his own rig from the company he just started driving for. He took over the old one that his trainer had while the trainer got back in his finally fixed newer truck. HOWEVER...

It wasn't quite that simple. A load had to be taken west. Then a stop at the company's yard to get appropriate paperwork, copies of permits etc. All of which are necessary. The head mechanic also wanted to take a look-see at the truck to make sure it was in good working order so the man doesn't get stuck somewhere his first week on his own...

And there is where the issues started. Anti-freeze leeking from a hose, new clamp fill it back up okay thats fixed. A few other minor issues, two and a half hours, and the guys splitting a pizza later they were headed back east on I-90 to get the other truck...At this point it was almost 7:45 at night, and it is a two hour drive.

THankfully his mother took me to pick up his truck. By 11:00 we were in bed sleeping...However five am is painful after that kind of night.

Then today...OMG what a day. Producers everywhere with issues of some sort or another. Magic finally calved. Beautiful heifer. Black with a big white mark on her head. As we are delivering baby because she was a bit big, and a bit twisted my phone went off.

Joy happy lucky me it was the test lab. I have a farm with big issues. Which means tomorrow will be a really really really rough day...

I think I will be glad sausages to go into spaghetti are simmering in my slow cooker mom gave me when I finally get home tonight!


lisa said...

I really hate days like that!! I did see you this afternoon!

Paintsmh said...

I thought you did. Now if I could see you in person instead of from my truck! LOL