Monday, May 07, 2012

McCalls KL Crimson

This is the new pony, registered name is McCalls KL Crimson. The gentleman, Jack, that I brought her from had bought her for his grandkids and they had no interest (he breeds huge beautiful quarter horses and wanted something smaller for them). So since he didnt want a driving pony, and she wasn't something he wanted to train for riding, he put her for sale on craigslist. I found her while looking for a mower deck for our Sears lawn tractor. Well...I guess eventually she will get the lawn all mowed...

Jack's grandkids named her Patches. Which Mom the Man and I all decided was just too typical for such a dear little pony. So now she is Diamond. And boy does it fit her.


Terry and Linda said...

YEA for You! A pony for a dairy farm...the best of life for a horse!


Paintsmh said...

Except yesterday morning one of the cows was curious and came running up to the fence, boy did she get scared. She hid behind me for like ten minutes.

Sallie ( said...

That's cute -- I know you'll get a lot more happiness out of that beautiful pony than you would an old lawn tractor!!