Friday, January 27, 2006

BFTS First Cuts

The PBR has posted those riders who will be dropped off of the BFTS tour down onto the Challenger Series, and those that will be lucky enough to hop up onto the big show for the next six events. Riders dropped include Corey Navarre, Rocky McDonald, Brian Herman, Luke Snyder, Lee Akin, Brendon Clark, Allan Moraes, and Cody Hart. Cody Hart will be allowed to remain on tour because of his former World Champion status. The new boys on tour will be Austin Meier, Dustin Hall, Bowdy Peach, Steven Shelley, and Jason Bennett. Several of these men have ridden on the PBR's top tour before and were previously bumped because of their low standings. It is nice to see them makining it back onto the top. Hopefully the time on the Challenger tour will help the others get back into top form.

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