Monday, April 23, 2007

Fall of 2007 and the END of the Spring 2007 School Year

Well, as of 10 oclock this morning I am all signed up for my fall classes, with the exception of ANSC 272, which is artificial insemination. AI requires students head down to the registrars office and have them sign you in. They have meetings at 10, so going down now would be a total waste of time. But I got into all my other courses no sweat. Without the 22 credit hours I am going to be taking next fall, I have 111 out of a total required 126. Not too shabby, specially since I also have to complete a 15 credit hour internship. Which will put my total up to 148 credit hours. Hows that for a four year Bachelors degree.

I personally think I have got some pretty awesome classes next fall. Some (mainly Technical Communications (COMM 301) and History of World Civ (HIST 103)) are just to fill up some of the general and upper level elective slots that I haven't finished yet. Others, or rather one other, Advanced Ruminant Nutrition, are just going to be plain painful, mostly because of the butt head who teaches it. He's smart as they come, and about as exciting as watching paint dry. Actually, the paint drying would allow for a vast amount more interaction. But I get to really look foward to the rest of my courses. For instance, AGBU 420, Agricultural Policy, and AGBU 442, Agricultural Credit, are both supposed to be taught by Mr. Maxwell, and he is just plain awesome. There will be a lot of work involved, but he is so hyper and fun that the classes, even though Ag Credit is 6-9 at night, should be very engaging and will likely keep the boredom level low. Then I have a class with my advisor, JT, Dairy Herd Seminar (ANSC 412), which should be loads of fun. If for no other reason than JT is one of those professors that really likes to be involved in his classes and keep them mentally stimulating, without being a lot of pointless work. Then my last class is Internship Orientation, ANSC 380. With the individual who is in charge of that this year it will probably be a whole lot of nothing. And probably rather useless.

I think I am most looking foward to AI though. Rumor, and the former prof of the class, has it that Ivor Jones should be teaching it this year. And I just adore Ivor. He was responsible for finding Zenith for me, as Dad wouldn't let me use Durham because of low milk production and him being a CVM carrier. Not to mention Ivor is smart and really knows his stuff. Not that the last teacher didn't. He was actually Ivor's predecessor at Select Sires, so they come from the same basic background. I would have loved the class either way.

And perhaps the best news of all is that I have NO classes on Fridays. Completely free. Which means I can work with my cows at home. And maybe go out to Ohio or some other neighboring state and go to an actual really good rodeo. Plus, on the days I do have class, I don't start til 9 or 9:30, which means I can either sleep in a bit, or go out and help Mom and Dad in the barn. Course, I also don't get done at school til 9 pm on Monday and Tuesday, which means I will probably need that extra little bit of sleep.

As everything stands right now there are, counting this week, 3 full weeks of classes left, and then four days of finals. All the classes will be completely done on the 17th of May. I am really looking foward to being out for the summer. Basically....IT'S FINALLY SUNSHINE AND SUMMERTIME!!!


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